
New Video And Audio Of Paul Pelosi Attack Raise So Many Questions



Video footage and the 911 call related to the highly weird Paul Pelosi beating from October were released Friday, so the whole thing is a little less mysterious in that we now know the former House speaker’s husband’s attacker really did break into the Pelosi home using a hammer on a glass door and Paul really did try calling the cops for help.

But now there are new questions about what exactly happened between the time the assailant, David DePape, broke into the home and the moment police got to the scene. The corporate media, which take it upon themselves to defend all things Nancy Pelosi, will no doubt call the questions “conspiracy theories” and “disinformation,” but now that I’ve endured seeing 82-year-old Paul in his underwear, hopefully they’ll humor me.

The police body cam footage is disturbing, but just as weird is Paul’s 911 call. As calmly as can be, he tells the San Francisco police operator that “there’s a gentleman here waiting for my wife to come back” and that “I guess we’ll have to wait” because Nancy was in Washington, D.C., and wouldn’t be home for a number of days. Asked if he needs emergency assistance, Paul says, “I don’t think so” but asks if the Capitol Police are “around.” The operator tells him that he called the San Francisco police, to which Paul says, “I understand.” Then, apparently talking to DePape, Paul says, “I don’t know, what do you think?”

DePape seems to respond, but it’s

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