
New Poll Overlooks Americans’ Ignorance Of IVF To Overstate ‘Majority’ Support For It



Corporate media polls, including a new one from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, suggest Americans overwhelmingly support the creation of test tube babies via in vitro fertilization. There is an unreconciled discrepancy in that data, however, since a significant chunk of U.S. adults also disagree with the unethical methods that Big Fertility has adopted as standard practice for IVF.

AP-NORC recently determined, after surveying more than 1,000 respondents in June, that a majority of U.S. adults, 62 percent, favor shielding IVF from oversight and regulation.

The “majority” element of the seemingly apparent support for IVF goes away, however, when pollsters pressed respondents on their feelings about embryo destruction.

While 25 percent of U.S. adults said they support banning the destruction of embryos, just 33 percent of respondents claimed they are opposed. The plurality of respondents claimed not to have an opinion on the matter.

AP-NORC noticed that “the public is more divided regarding the fate of unused embryos produced during IVF and many lack firm opinions about this aspect of the process.” Yet, the Associated Press focused on support for IVF instead of this important nuance in its coverage of the results.

“More than 6 in 10 U.S. adults support protecting access to IVF,” the AP headline highlighting the poll results states.

The real nail in the coffin came when nearly half of U.S. adults, 46 percent, told AP-NORC that the statement “human life begins at conception” (something modern sciencemedicinemany states, and even pro-abortion biologists have

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