
New Party Platform Showcases Democrats’ Delusions About Who Are The Bad Guys



Asking Kamala Harris and Democrats to fix the mess they’ve made over the past few years is kind of like asking Agent Orange to cure non-Hodgkin lymphoma. 

The Democratic National Committee, with the complicit assistance of the accomplice media, is spending the better part of this week in Democrat-destroyed Chicago proclaiming that the same party that through a soft coup removed its inconveniently senile leader is the sentinel of democracy. 

The packaged delusion begins where you might expect — the preamble to the 2024 Democratic Party platform. Really, the opening paragraph is enough to boggle the mind. 

‘Incredible Use of Tyranny’

“Our nation is at an inflection point. What kind of America will we be? A land of more freedom, or less freedom? More rights or fewer? An economy rigged for the rich and powerful, or where everyone has a fair shot at getting ahead? Will we lower the temperature in our politics and come together, or treat each other as enemies instead?” the overture to this insane leftist opera asks. 

It is, of course, entirely true that this divided and dispirited republic is at an “inflection point.” We are here on the map of history because of the horrible things a demented Democrat president and his allies in the Marxist American left have done to this nearly 250-year-old representative democracy. 

The same speech-killing regime that has choked the First Amendment and chewed up the rights of women and parents is a poor protector of liberty. The same big government

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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