
New Footage Shows Pelosi Admitting Dem Leadership ‘Totally Failed’ On Jan. 6



Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanded congressional leadership “take some responsibility” over the Capitol security failures on Jan. 6, 2021, in newly unearthed video footage.

In the film taped by Pelosi’s daughter for an HBO documentary, the California congresswoman is seen fuming about the failures to pre-emptively deploy the National Guard as she evacuates the Capitol with staff.

“How many times did members ask, are we prepared? Are we prepared? We’re not prepared for the worst,” Pelosi said. “We’re calling the National Guard now? They should have been here to start out.”

Pelosi failed on J6. She admits it in newly unearthed footage:

“We’re calling the National Guard now? They should have been here to start out.”

“We have totally failed. We need to take some responsibility for not moving to secure…” pic.twitter.com/54UKBKqoxW

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) August 28, 2024

According to Just the News, the tapes were obtained and released by the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee led by Chairman Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga.

“We will have totally failed,” Pelosi said on camera, “And we’ve got to take some responsibility.”

Previous footage of the speaker’s evacuation on Jan. 6 released in June showed Pelosi admitting her own culpability in the failures to secure the Capitol.

“Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?” Pelosi asked incredulously in the back of an SUV. “They clearly didn’t know, and I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.”

As speaker of the House, Pelosi had been urged to deploy the National

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