
Nevada County Official ‘Forced’ To Investigate Dirty Voter Rolls In Recent Election Integrity Win



The top election official for swing state Nevada’s most populous county relented and finally decided to look into “bad addresses” on the state’s voter rolls. While claims of voters residing at strip clubs, bars, and casinos should have raised red flags for Clark County Registrar of Voters Lorena Portillo, apparently it took the threat of a court order to grab her attention. 

As The Federalist has reported, election integrity watchdog the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has, even “since before the 2020 election,” investigated bad addresses in the Silver State — individuals in the voter registration database who purportedly live at commercial addresses. PILF investigators have documented “hundreds of questionable addresses” on the rolls, including vacant lots, fast food restaurants, gas stations, tattoo parlors, and funeral homes. They have captured on camera employees and business owners confirming that the individuals listed as residing at the commercial addresses in fact did not. 

“I was looking for Ronald or William Phelps,” the foundation’s Lauren Bis, director of communication and engagement, says to a bartender in Las Vegas, according to video footage from PILF. “I don’t know who that is,” the barkeep replies. She chuckles, likely at the thought that someone would list a bar as their address.  

It sounds absurd, but this is serious stuff on the election integrity front, especially in a state accused of having “impossibly high” voter registration numbers, and one that allows late-arriving ballots to be counted long after Election Day. 

‘Bad Optics’

Bis told me that PILF sent Portillo a letter

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