
Neocons Fear Speaker Mike Johnson Could Bring An End To Ukraine War Cash



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The recent election of Mike Johnson as speaker of the House has struck terror in the heart of the uniparty, with neoconservatives and Democrats fearing that their reckless Ukraine spending may finally be put to an end.

President Biden is currently exploiting the conflict in Israel and Palestine to secure more funding for Ukraine in a joint package for Israel and Ukraine aid. However, only a small portion of the $100 billion the president is requesting would go to Israel, with the majority — $61.4 billion — going to Ukraine.

With Johnson now speaker and leading the House, Biden’s Ukraine funding request is in a precarious situation. Johnson voted for the initial Ukraine spending bill In April 2022 but has taken a dramatic turn since then, opposing all new Ukraine funding requests and demanding transparency from Ukraine on its use of American tax dollars.

Back in February, Johnson wrote on X: “American taxpayers have sent over $100 billion in aid to Ukraine in the last year. They deserve to know if the Ukrainian government is being entirely forthcoming and transparent about the use of this massive sum of taxpayer resources.”

Likewise, in May 2022, Johnson expressed America First sentiments, saying, “We should not be sending another $40 billion abroad when our own border is in chaos, American mothers are struggling to find baby formula, gas prices are at record highs, and American families are struggling to

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