
Nebraska Supreme Court Slated To Weigh Constitutionality Of Radical Abortion Amendment



The Nebraska Supreme Court will hear a challenge on Monday to a recently approved amendment proposal that seeks to enshrine abortion through all nine months of gestation in the Cornhusker State’s constitution.

Nebraska currently bans abortion beyond 12 weeks gestation. The Planned Parenthood and American Civil Liberties Union-fueled and funded ballot measure, if passed, however, would give abortion giants like Planned Parenthood a free pass to execute life in the womb at any point in pregnancy without fear of penalty or regulation from the state.

Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen approved the unlimited abortion amendment and its pro-life rival for addition to the ballot in August “[b]arring any legal challenges” but has until Sept. 13 to decide whether or not they deserve certification. By Aug. 30, the Nebraska Supreme Court agreed to hear a lawsuit challenging the amendment’s constitutionality without requiring a review or appeal from lower courts.

The lawsuit, which is scheduled for oral arguments in front of the state’s highest bench beginning Monday, alleges that the proposed amendment does not pass muster for certification because it violates the Nebraska Constitution’s Single Subject Rule mandating “[i]nitiative measures shall contain only one subject.”

A brief filed by the Thomas More Society on Thursday further asks Evnen to refuse to certify the initiative or declare it invalid.

“The proposed initiative contains several subjects, which are not natural and necessary to each other, and which will confuse voters and create doubt after the election,” the brief states.

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