
Naval War College Hosts Trans-Identifying Colonel To Discuss LGBT ‘Experiences’



The U.S. Naval War College hosted a lecture last week featuring a trans-identifying Space Force colonel to discuss LGBT “experiences.”

Titled, “Learning from the developmental journeys of LGBTQ+,” the June 17 event was co-headlined by Col. Bree Fram, a male astronautical engineer with the U.S. Space Force who proclaims to be a woman and uses “she/her” pronouns. According to his website, Fram — who acquired a master’s degree in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College in 2021 — is “currently stationed at the Pentagon to lead space acquisition policy development for the Department of the Air Force” and leads the branch’s “LGBTQ+ Initiatives Team.”

As noted by Federalist Executive Editor Joy Pullmann in her book, False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America, Fram has been promoted since coming out in 2016 and most of his military service took place when trans-identifying troops were supposed to be discharged from the armed forces.

“It’s fascinating to look at what LGBTQ folks have been subject to over their lives, and really, over the centuries, and how their experiences led them … to truly have those transformative moments that matter,” Fram said. (16:25)

Much of the June 17 lecture focused on claims included in Fram’s new book, Forging Queer Leaders: How the LGBTQIA+ Community Creates Impact from Adversity, which, according to a book summary, “explores the unique and inspiring developmental experiences of LGBTQ+ leaders, the amazing capabilities they bring to teams, and what that means for everyone

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