
More Than 70 Percent Of Democrat Voters Don’t Know Kamala’s Policy Positions



Left-wing corporate media’s non-stop defensive coverage of Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris is working, with a new poll from Media Research Center finding more than 70 percent of Democrats are unaware of what Harris’ policy positions are.

Media Research Center surveyed 1,200 “registered Democrats and Independents who voted for Joe Biden in 2020” and found that on 10 “different aspects of Harris’s public record … between 71% and 86% of these Democrats and Independents said they either had not heard of Harris’s position or were unsure.”

Data shows that when it comes to the key issues like immigration and crime, most Democrats and Independent-Biden supporters have been kept in the dark on Harris’ most communist-like stances. For example, 78% of voters surveyed were unaware that Harris promoted a fund that led to violent protesters being bailed out of jail during the 2020 riots. Seventy-five percent of those polled were unaware that Harris was once named “the most liberal U.S. senator in 2019.”

Seventy-four percent of those surveyed had no idea that Harris wanted to decriminalize illegally entering the country, while 72 percent were unaware that Harris “never visited a conflict zone on the border as Border Czar.”

Unsurprisingly, those surveyed told Media Research Center they get their news from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC.

“This suggests that the knowledge gaps found by our poll reveal a failure of these outlets to report on radical positions once (and perhaps currently) supported by the now-Democratic nominee for President,” according to Media

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