
Momentum From Dobbs Led Legislatures All Around The Country To Pass Popular Pro-Life Laws



Shortly after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, momentum for saving preborn lives manifested in cultural and political victories. Now, less than a year after the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, half of U.S. states proudly have laws on the books to protect life in the womb between conception and 12 weeks.

In the last two months alone, Republican legislators and governors in more than half a dozen states enacted laws that save the lives of tens of thousands of unborn babies.

Corporate media, Democrats, and even some on the right smear abortion limits like these as unpopular and ineffective but polling shows that most Americans — 72 percent — oppose ending the lives of preborn babies beyond 15 weeks.

“These are incredibly popular among the American people in general and definitely in those states. And maybe not even as ambitious in those states as they could be,” President of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America Marjorie Dannenfelser confirmed in a press conference on Wednesday.

Legislatures aren’t just banning the murder of unborn babies, they are actively enriching the institutions and organizations that help mothers, babies, and families during and beyond pregnancy.

“I think that the Republicans and the pro-life legislators are making clear the contrast between the Democrats who want abortion on demand up until birth, who cannot even stomach a law being in place that would protect babies who were born alive, versus what they’re trying to do in protecting unborn children and then serving mothers,”

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