
Michael Jackson Would Have Thanked Daniel Penny For His Service



Since it’s a requirement that any reference to repeat violent offender “beloved Michael Jackson impersonator” Jordan Neely be paired with the real-life entertainer, it’s the perfect time to revisit a prescient observation by one of Jackson’s close associates.

In a 2015 interview with “The MJ Cast” podcast, Kerry Anderson, the late singer’s director of security, lamented the unseemly way that the news media covered his former boss. “The power of the media is amazing,” said Anderson. “They can take a person like a Michael Jackson who was a person of morals, scruples, and values and demonize him into being some kind of satanic child molester. And then you can take a person that’s a recidivist, that’s a convicted murderer, more than once, and they go to prison, and because they find the lord or whatever, and they start writing children’s books, they get nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.”

It’s not a particularly unique insight these days. The media turning good and well-intentioned people into monsters while glorifying the worst among us is standard business practice (See entry “George Floyd” and “Dr. Fauci”). And that is precisely what they have done with Neely and what they will do to Daniel Penny.

Penny has been charged with manslaughter after he subdued Neely in a headlock on the subway. Witnesses said at the time that Neely had been behaving belligerently when he boarded the train, terrifying passengers trapped with him inside the car as he screamed about being ready to go to

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