
Men Who Identify As Women Are Now Eligible For Membership In Daughters Of The American Revolution



The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) will allow men who identify as women to join the organization following a recent amendment to their bylaws. According to DAR’s website, “Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution is eligible to join.” DAR now joins the growing list of woman-only organizations to capitulate to dangerous cultural changes that actively dilute the meaning of womanhood.

In a release clarifying the decision, DAR President General Pamela Rouse Wright said, “Some have asked if this means a transgender woman can join DAR or if this means that DAR chapters have previously welcomed transgender women? The answer to both questions is, yes.”

“The bylaw amendment does not change that fact, and we will continue to welcome them into our Society in the future,” she continued.

Wright emphasized during DAR’s 2023 Continental Congress that anyone seeking membership who has a birth certificate saying he or she is female may be eligible for chapter membership, The Daily Signal reported.

Here’s President General Pamela Edwards Rouse Wright saying during the DAR’s Continental Congress: “If [a biological male’s] birth certificate says they are a female, and you vote against them based on their protected class, it’s discrimination.” pic.twitter.com/0ffhmePs62

— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) July 26, 2023

With increasing support from medical professionals, it has never been easier for individuals to change their legal sex on official documents which means

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