
Men Are Quietly Erasing America’s True Daughters Of The Revolution



One of America’s oldest genealogical societies, the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), is no longer exclusively female. Men who identify as women are now permitted to join the prestigious group if they can procure an altered birth certificate that lists their sex as female.

Multiple members and ex-members of DAR pointed out the sheer irony of this new policy in a series of interviews with the Independent Women’s Forum. Most obviously, these women pointed out how ludicrous it is to be able to join a group using an altered birth certificate when membership is contingent on accurate biographical records. For those familiar with DAR’s origins, however, the irony cuts deeper.

“DAR was founded in 1890 because women weren’t allowed to join the Sons of the American Revolution [SAR],” member Linda Smith told IWF. Once again, a space women carved out for themselves in response to male exclusion is being taken away.

DAR is one of the most highly regarded among a number of historical groups in the United States. Finding a biological connection to early Americans who fought in the Revolutionary War is tremendously meaningful for descendants. The Sons of the American Revolution was established in 1889 for this purpose, but the group was exclusively male. One year later, a group of four intrepid women formed the Daughters of the American Revolution as a refuge for women who also wanted to bond over their shared connection to America’s founding.

DAR’s motto is “God, home, and country.” Allowing radical gender

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