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Media Slander GOP States As ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ For Rejecting Voter Database That Compels Pro-Democrat Outreach



After Florida, Missouri, and West Virginia announced last week that they would be withdrawing from the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a leftist-controlled group that fuels partisan voter outreach under the guise of simple voter roll maintenance, Democrats and their allies in the corporate media have been quick to label such states’ concerns as conspiracy theories.

As previously reported by The Federalist, ERIC markets itself as a voter roll maintenance organization made up of over 30 states and the District of Columbia. It was started by partisan, left-wing activists under the guise of helping states clean their voter rolls, i.e., remove dead and duplicate registrants by comparing DMV and social security data across states. But according to good government group VerityVote, ERIC does more to inflate state voter rolls than clean them. Under the ERIC membership agreement, states are required to send voter registration mailers to unregistered but likely — and usually Democratic-leaning — voters.

Louisiana and Alabama were the first two states to suspend their participation in the program last year. Now, Florida, Missouri, and West Virginia have followed after ERIC failed to address their concerns and make proposed changes during a February board meeting.

Yet corporate media such as The New York Times and the Associated Press simply gloss over the concerns of the aforementioned states and castigate them as conspiracy theorists, with headlines such as “G.O.P. States Abandon Bipartisan Voting Integrity Group, Yielding to Conspiracy Theories” and “Election conspiracies fuel dispute over voter fraud system.” If

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181 Dems Voted Against Penalties For Foreign Election Interference Days Before Zelensky’s Campaign Stunt In PA



Last week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited an ammunition factory in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The Scranton Army Ammunition Plant is one of the few plants in the United States to manufacture 155mm artillery shells, according to AP News. These shells, used in howitzer systems that strike targets up to 20 miles away, have been used by Ukrainian forces in the war against Russia.

Zelensky’s decision to visit the ammunition plant came under fishy circumstances.

Sept. 22, 2024, marked 44 days before the U.S. presidential election. The state of Pennsylvania is seen as a swing state, going to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election before he lost the state in 2020 to Joe Biden.

The tour of the Scranton factory was accompanied by the state’s Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro, a top surrogate for Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign, as well as Democratic Sen. Bob Casey and Democratic Rep. Matt Cartwright, who are both running for re-election this year. Both Casey and Cartwright face stiff opposition.

Were any Republican congressmen invited to attend the event? Were any invited to speak? Why at this point in time did they visit the largest swing state, when they could have had their meeting at a facility in New York?

Since Zelensky is such a student of military history, perhaps he should have gone to West Point to discuss the Russia-Ukraine war with cadets.

Zelensky on Vance

During the trip, Zelensky was interviewed by The New Yorker. One of the topics that came up involved the

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No, Israel Didn’t Start The War With Hezbollah



Contrary to what any pundits or politicians might tell you, Israel did not start this war with Hezbollah, the Iranian-funded terror proxy that controls Lebanon.

On Oct. 8, 2023, while Israel was trying to count the dead, the kidnapped, and the brutalized, and was still battling the Hamas terrorists that invaded the country the day prior, Hezbollah opened a “second front” against Israel to help Hamas and hasn’t stopped firing rockets since. For 10 months, over 60,000 civilians have been forced to flee from their homes in the North and live in hotels in central Israel, displaced and unfortunate casualties, as Israel worked to crush Hamas in Gaza.

But in recent weeks, after months of enduring attacks that other countries would have responded to by invading their neighbors far earlier, Israel has conducted perhaps the most impressive military operation in modern history.

In the middle of a slow Tuesday, just weeks after Israel thwarted a massive and deadly rocket attack minutes before it was set to happen, thousands of beepers began blowing up throughout Lebanon. Incredibly, Israel appears to have learned of Hezbollah’s attempts to use low-tech forms of contact and entered the supply chain that the terror organization used to obtain its illicit communication devices. Then they waited for Hezbollah to distribute the pagers to the terrorists and incapacitated their ability to harm Israel. The next day, they repeated the operation, this time with walkie-talkies. And when the leadership of Hezbollah met days later to discuss their plans to

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America’s Current Schooling Catastrophes Were Set In Motion 100 Years Ago



America is suffering from an educational crisis. In fact, it is so bad that even the leftist Center for American Progress, started by far-left-wing billionaire George Soros, acknowledges that “a large percentage of students land a high school diploma that is essentially meaningless. The document might indicate that the students are ready for college, but in reality, the students simply do not have the necessary skills or knowledge.”

If you are going to attack America’s foundations, the place to start, as all demagogues and dictators have discovered, is with the youth. The youth are malleable and easy to influence because their minds have yet to develop the critical thinking skills needed to discern truth from error. They are often emotionally, rather than intellectually, driven, and ripe for conversion to leftist causes. Every totalitarian regime, from the Soviet Union to Nazi Germany, has focused on recruiting the youth to achieve its aims.

As I write in my new book on the political and cultural fallout of the 1960s, it was the radical changes in American education that occurred during that decade that resulted in the youth carrying the water for leftists set on advancing their own agenda. These radical changes also led to the dumbing down of the American populace, which is no longer equipped with the skills to determine truth from error or to be contributing members of society.

But leftists, starting with John Dewey, a self-proclaimed humanist and “democratic socialist,” created our public education system with this exact outcome in mind. Since

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