
Media Ignore Science On Dangers Of Transgenderism In Kids To Tout Garbage Pro-Trans Survey



Two reports on the “transgender” population, an umbrella term for those who are psychologically uncomfortable with their sex, were published this month. One report by the American College of Pediatricians detailed the results of a review of more than 60 studies on mental health in adolescents with gender dysphoria and concluded that wrongly termed “gender-affirming” care had “no demonstrable, long-term benefit” on patients’ psychosocial well-being. 

On the other hand, U.S. Trans Survey reported the results of an open-access internet survey administered by a coalition of several trans-activist groups to tens of thousands of men, women, and adolescents who identify as “trans,” which reported sky-high satisfaction rates in those who had “transitioned.”

You can probably guess which report the media have touted as proof that the science is settled. They say transitioning is an overwhelmingly good idea! And bias, if not hate, likely motivates anyone who counsels caution and patience, even for children. 

Note that the U.S. Trans Survey is being promoted and amplified at a time when many states, following the example of many European countries, have pulled back sharply from what had become a “trans pipeline” for the ever-growing population of children and adolescents, especially teen girls, who question their sex. It’s also a time when detransitioners have become more vocal and visible. They’re even suing doctors and clinics who caused their infertility or removed their breasts or genitals as children when they were too young to understand or consent.

Which of these reports should be believed? The pediatricians’ study is a thoughtful review of a

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