
Media: ‘Biden’s Economy Is Great Everywhere’ — Except Where It Counts



Sunday night, I hated myself for spending $6.99 plus tax on a blasted can of ReddiWhip (What can I say? The weekend wrought a homemade pumpkin pie situation and thus whipped cream desperation). Needless to say, that fresh sticker shock made it easy Monday morning to hate The Washington Post for running an article titled “Biden’s Economy Is Great Everywhere Except in the Polls.”

In it, Matthew Yglesias treats readers to 800 words of Biden slobbery, lamenting poll results showing a majority of swing-state voters preferred Donald Trump’s economy over Joe Biden’s and that only 35 percent trust the incumbent on the issue. (Independents trust Biden even less, with only 25 percent.)

“As the US economy continues to improve, President JoeBiden continues to not get credit for it,” Yglesias whines.

When your job is to run public relations for Democrats, your strategy becomes spin over self-reflection. That’s why, to comfort himself and other Democrats, Yglesias instantly looks outward, comparing Biden to other leaders of the free world. “[T]he trend is clear,” he says. “Incumbents of all ideological flavors are losing everywhere and are almost universally unpopular.”

Those comparisons would only really work, though, if Japan were no different than Germany, and Germany were no different than the United States. And since when can approval ratings be boiled down strictly to the value of the dollar? Maybe that’s why Yglesias doesn’t dwell on that losing argument too long.

The problem is that when it comes to Biden’s approval, all the arguments are losing

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