
Make French Fries Great Again



Former President Donald Trump’s appearance at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s over the weekend galvanized supporters around his pro-American, proletariat message. It was a huge hit among almost everyone except the liberal media and others who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. 

And while his visit to the iconic golden arches and well-documented eating habits seem to directly contradict the goals of the newly affiliated “Make America Healthy Again” movement, there is a pasture in which these two meet — a pasture filled with cows. Cows that produce a forgotten ingredient well primed to make a comeback: beef tallow. 

Many health advocates used Trump’s momentary “employment” to push for a return to beef tallow, as opposed to seed oil, in the fryers at McDonald’s. RFK Jr. himself addressed the issue in a post on X. Rather than make unrealistic demands of Americans to ditch junk food altogether, he simply wants people to enjoy their occasional indulgences without fear of being poisoned, saying, “People who enjoy a burger with fries on a night out aren’t to blame, and Americans should have every right to eat out at a restaurant without being unknowingly poisoned by heavily subsidized seed oils. It’s time to Make Frying Oil Tallow Again.”

The idea went viral with many health advocates chiming in about making French fries great again and riffing off the title of Trump’s popular book with “The Art of the French Fry.” 

Where’s the Beef? 

So what’s the beef with beef tallow? 

Simply put, beef tallow is rendered beef

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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