
Major Nevada County Pressured To Rubber-Stamp Election After Delaying Certification To Probe ‘Mishaps’



After the Washoe County Commission refused to certify a recount result following multiple allegations of misconduct, Nevada Democrat officials want to force them to certify the election results anyway.

The July 11 primary races for County Commission District 4 and School Board Trustee District G were contested. The county held two recounts, which showed practically the same results as the primary, with County Commissioner Clara Andriola winning her District 4 race and Perry Rosenstein winning his school board race, according to The Nevada Independent. 

Fellow Washoe County Board of Commissioners Mike Clark and Jeanne Herman voted with Andriola on Tuesday, however, to not certify the recount results of the primaries after allegations of suspicious behavior were made during the public comment portion of the Tuesday meeting.

Andriola reportedly said it was “not the first time that we’ve heard a lot of concerns of procedures, a lot of concerns of alleged mishaps” that she would not certify the recount. “I believe that it warrants further investigation,” she said.

While Andriola — who Herman described to The Federalist as a member that typically sides with the Democrats — won her own race, she cited an election violation complaint filed with the county as her reason for not certifying the results. 

The formal election integrity violation was filed by Briana Foroszowsky, who claims to have observed part of the process.

Foroszowsky alleged she entered the Washoe County Registrar of Voters lobby on May 28, 2024 and observed — through the public observation

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