
Major Media Outlets Refuse To Call Attack On Trump’s Life An Assassination Attempt



Following the leftist media’s initial pathetically biased reactions to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Sunday headlines continue to roll out with the same misleading propaganda.

While video, photo, and eyewitness accounts all point to the same conclusion — that this was an attempted assassination — several large corporate media outlets have peddled a joint narrative that characterizes the events at Saturday’s Pennsylvania rally as a “shooting” or an “attack” and not an assassination.

While it is true that shootings are frightening situations for anyone to experience, the choice to describe the events as a “shooting” or an “attack” compared to an “attempted assassination” is telling. Only four presidents have been assassinated, and, including Trump, three former or sitting presidents have been injured in assassination attempts. Any assassination of a president, attempted or fatal, is a nation-shaking event with potentially dire consequences, and the media’s tactic to minimize or breeze over the brutal assault on Trump’s life is purposeful.

The recent cover of Time Magazine included the instantly iconic picture of Trump pumping his fist in the air with the American flag flying behind him. The headline reads, “Attack on Trump” with no mention of an attempted assassination. Below the headline, it says, “Former president survives shooting with nation on edge.”

Survives shooting? The phrasing implies that the former president was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, not that there was a deliberate attack on his life.

Forbes took the opportunity to politicize the

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