
Like DeSantis, Every Republican Lawmaker Should Block College Board’s Critical Race Theory Class



Every Republican governor and state lawmaker should copy Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ decision last week to block a major company from selling critical race theory-promoting high school curricula to public schools.

The College Board is privately pitching state officials on its experimental new African-American Studies high school curriculum but has so far refused to publicly release the materials that taxpayers would end up paying College Board millions for public schools to use. Leaks of those materials have shown them to be stuffed with critical race theory, an ideology that labels some racial groups victims and others oppressors based solely on skin color and ancestry.

As Stanley Kurtz reported Wednesday, DeSantis’ administration therefore rejected College Board’s application to release the curriculum in Florida. Florida’s Department of Education wrote to College Board, “as presented, the content of this course is inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value.”

Florida has banned government support for teaching critical race theory. Kurtz previously obtained a copy of the College Board curriculum and found it rife with critical race theory documents that are not counterbalanced by opposing views. In addition, he wrote, the secret curricula “clearly proselytizes for a socialist transformation of the United States.”

Every Republican officeholder with any power over education policy should go even further, and investigate K-12 schools and colleges for using public resources to promote racism and racial division, which violates the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Missouri’s attorney general has set up an investigation portal

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