
LGBT Clemson Students Demand Tampons Put Back In The Men’s Restroom 



Image CreditFDRLST / Canva

Last week, around 50 Clemson University students protested the removal of menstrual products from a campus library’s men’s bathroom. The coalition of protesting LGBT student groups is also attempting to formally punish the school’s College Republicans (CRs) group for their role in the period products’ removal.

The menstrual products were removed after Clemson College Republicans posted a picture on X, formerly Twitter, last month of a menstrual product dispenser in Cooper Library men’s restroom with the caption: “We truly live in [clown] world.”

If you weren’t aware already, Clemson University has tampon/pad dispensers in the MEN’S restrooms located in Cooper Library.

We truly live in 🤡 world. pic.twitter.com/hjXk9ZQVRF

— Clemson College Republicans 🐅 (@ClemsonCRs) September 14, 2023

South Carolina House of Representatives April Cromer saw the post and brought it to the attention of the Clemson Administration, who had the dispenser taken out of the library bathroom three days after the Clemson College Republicans made their post on X. 

In an Instagram post containing details about the protest, LGBT student groups demanded that the menstrual product dispensers be put back in the men’s restroom and that the College Republicans face “formal repercussions” for “contributing to a campus climate that encourages transphobic rhetoric and jeopardizes the safety of LGBTQIA+ students.”  

To ensure the College Republicans are punished, the LGBT students are demanding the school revise “the student code of conduct” to apply the “Non-Discrimination and Anti-Sexual Harassment

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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