
Leftists Say They Don’t Like Late-Term Abortions But Then Lament They Can’t Kill More Babies After 34 Weeks



Sin stays hungry. For proof, just look at a recent New Yorker puff piece on a Maryland abortion facility that specializes in late-term abortions — up to 34 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes mothers want abortions even after that, which led one of the facility’s founders to lament, “Turning people away is the worst part of our entire jobs.” So it’s not the baby-killing but the limits on the baby-killing that is the worst part?

And they are killing babies. We all know it. These abortionists are killing babies who are long past the threshold of viability. If they were delivered alive, they would readily be cared for in the NICU, often with excellent odds in their favor. These are babies being killed, which is why none of the many pictures included in the story showed their remains. 

No one at the New Yorker seems to have been perturbed by the abortionists’ bloodlust. Instead, they included the complaint about insufficient baby-killing in an apparent bid for sympathy for the abortionists. Whining about not killing enough babies demonstrates how evil deeds sear the conscience, numbing people to wickedness while driving them on toward more. This is illustrated clearly as the New Yorker’s reporting demolishes the usual pro-abortion justifications for, and obfuscations about, late-term abortions.

There are brief nods toward the usual arguments for late-term abortions (health risks to the mother, a grim diagnosis for the baby), but the article quickly moves past them to justify late-term abortion on demand for healthy mothers

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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