
Leftists Decry European Voters’ Rejection Of Globalism As A Threat To ‘Democracy’



DUBLIN, Ireland — Leftists often hyperbolize that questioning controversial elections their candidates win — no matter how many irregularities there are — threatens “democracy.” These concerns, they claim, undermine the will of voters and destroy confidence in the electoral process.

Yet when voters outwardly reject their asinine agenda and candidates at the ballot box, these “defenders of democracy” sing an entirely different tune. Such is the case following elections in Europe this past weekend when voters in several European Union (EU) member states rejected leftists’ globalist agenda by electing right-wing populist candidates to the continental body.

In France, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party trounced French President Emmanuel Macron’s liberal Renaissance party. According to Reuters, National Rally won 31.4 percent of the vote, which is more than double the 14.6 percent Renaissance received. Le Pen, who previously ran against Macron in France’s 2017 and 2022 presidential elections, espoused hopes that the results will “put an end to this painful epoch of globalism.”

Macron announced in the aftermath of his party’s defeat that he is calling for snap elections for the nation’s legislative National Assembly, which will reportedly occur on June 30 and July 7. The move is seen as a major gamble that could affect the French right’s future electoral prospects.

But Macron is hardly the only globalist to suffer defeat at the ballot box this past weekend. In Germany, left-wing Chancellor Olaf Scholz‘s Social Democrats finished in an abysmal third place behind several right-wing parties. Preliminary results reported by

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