
Leftists Are Lying To You About Tommy Tuberville And ‘White Nationalists’



In this week’s edition of “They’re lying about ‘white supremacy’ again…”

It was just Tuesday that I wrote about the tendency of leftists to defend their indefensible positions by overcomplicating and distorting simple concepts so as to confound their political opponents and leave everyone wondering what it is that they must be missing.

No one’s missing anything. They just assume that if they blow enough smoke, no one will see what they’re doing, which is usually some form of theft.

It’s precisely what they’re doing with the manufactured controversy over Republican Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s two-month-old comments about “white nationalists” being “Americans.”

The world’s worst writer Charles Blow likened the remarks this week to GOP presidential candidates Donald Trump and Vivek Ramaswamy referring to themselves as “nationalists.” From Blow’s Wednesday column:

Surely, Trump and Ramaswamy would say their comments had nothing to do with race — and that to suggest otherwise is, itself, racist. But in this stew of adulterated meanings, “white nationalist” gets conflated with being a white patriot and allows any suggestion of racism to become an aspersion cast at white nationalists without cause. Racism, to this way of thinking, can only be unambiguous, naked hatred. And by playing these word games, they are prying apart their politically necessary disdain of open racists from a calm and considered tolerance of intolerance, a muted acquiescence to a racial hierarchy — a skewed view of the history of racial contributions to humanity and the vaunted legacy of the founders

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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