
Leftist Elections ‘Task Force’ Is A Who’s Who Of Infamous Election Meddlers 



A group of left-wing power brokers have formed a supposedly “nonpartisan” “task force” to control the narrative around the 2024 election.

The National Task Force on Election Crises is a project of the left-wing Protect Democracy Project, a litigation group created to “oppose” former President Donald Trump’s policies, according to InfluenceWatch. The group portrays itself as a disinterested “task force” of election experts working to preserve what it defines as “democracy.”

“Our mission transcends party and ideology,” the group’s website reads. “The task force’s mission is to use its expertise to help civil society and decision-makers prevent, prepare for, and mitigate a range of election crises. The only electoral outcomes the task force advocates for are free, fair, and safe elections.”

But it sounds like this “task force” may be more concerned with censorship and political vengeance than the proper administration of elections.

The group aims to control election discourse on social media, with recommendations to “downgrade or delete” what it deems to be election “disinformation” from media platforms, “hand-pick or remove trending lists,” and prevent supposed “disinformation about voting options and the validity of election results.” 

The task force also seeks to “hold candidates and their attorneys accountable” for what it alleges are “bad-faith or frivolous legal challenges” concerning election administration, and “continue to pursue accountability for those who committed criminal acts on and leading up to January 6.”

The group called to remove Trump from office following his speech in Washington D.C. on Jan. 6, naming him an “imminent

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