
Left-Wing Media Malign GA Election Rules In Bid To Make Certification Nothing More Than A Rubber Stamp



Georgia’s State Election Board (SEB) recently passed a series of rules aimed at ensuring that election results are accurate before they are certified. But left-wing corporate media is maligning the rules in an effort to make election certification nothing more than a hollow formality.

One rule approved by the SEB (Rule 183-1-12-.02) clarifies that county election boards can fulfill their certification responsibility “after reasonable inquiry that the tabulation and canvasing of the election are complete and accurate and that the results are a true and accurate accounting of all votes cast in that election.”

A separate rule (Rule 183-1-12-.12) permits, in part, board members to review “all election related documentation created during the conduct of elections prior to certification of results.”

But apparently, accuracy risks “undermining election certification,” according to CBS News.

The propaganda press has set out to do the bidding of Democrats (including Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign) to amplify the narrative that it’s better to rubber-stamp an election with no questions asked than to confirm that the election results are accurate.

CBS News’ Katrina Kaufman, Madeleine May, and Scott MacFarlane suggest the rules are meant to help “election conspiracy theorists across the country … attempt to delay the final tabulation of results.” But all the rules really do is clarify the role that county officials play in confirming that results are accurate as part of the certification process — a process that’s incredibly important, SEB Member Janelle King tells The Federalist.

“It’s not about the outcome, it’s

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