
Left-Wing Judge Bans Trump From Criticizing Corrupt DOJ During Campaign



In one of the most egregious examples of sweeping state abuse, DC District Judge Tanya Chutkan officially banned former President Donald Trump from criticizing the corrupt prosecutors and judicial system holding his campaign hostage by partially granting the federal government’s demand to silence the Republican ahead of the 2024 election.

The expansive gag order, issued on Monday, prevents Trump, the former leader of the free world, the Biden administration’s top political rival, and the leading Republican presidential candidate, from criticizing Chutkan, Special Counsel Jack Smith, their respective staff, and their families, or saying anything that amounts to a “pre-trial smear campaign.”

Chutkan said during the hearing that the federal government’s original gag order request was far too broad because it would criminalize Trump for invoking insults like “Crooked Joe Biden” on the campaign trail. Yet, she concluded the hearing by agreeing to dictate the free speech rights of Trump, including his ability to criticize her long track record of political rulings.

The J6 judge claimed the order would prevent Trump from tainting the left-leaning DC jury pool, intimidating witnesses, and risking violence with his words. Trump’s lawyers, however, identified Chutkan’s command as another tool President Joe Biden and his administration are using in their quest “to silence his top political candidate in the middle of an election season.”

Chutkan did not dispute the allegation that she is aiding the Biden administration’s attempts to “squelch political speech.” Instead, she declared that Trump should not have “unfettered First Amendment rights.”


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