
Knowing They Will Lose At The Ballot Box, Soros-Funded Leftists Turn To Lawfare To Defeat Trump



If leftists have their way, the 2024 presidential election will be decided in courtrooms by liberal judges — not by Americans at ballot boxes across the country. With President Biden’s poll numbers at all-time lows and public polling showing former President Trump consistently leading in 2024, Democrats are scrambling not to win the support of voters but to simply disqualify their opponent through Democrat operatives, attorneys, and judges.

This strategy is especially rich coming from the “democracy is on the ballot” crowd. Apparently, “democracy is on the ballot” means only Joe Biden is on the ballot. 

I’ve been in Denver this week witnessing the latest use of lawfare to defeat Trump in front of Democrat judges instead of American voters. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is behind the irresponsible and left-wing billionaire-funded lawsuit. CREW, which received funding from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, has a history of frivolous lawsuits targeting Donald Trump.

The left-wing organization exists to abuse the legal system to harm Republicans, and they might get lucky this time with their Hail Mary attempt to take out Trump. The judge presiding over their case is Sarah Wallace, a Democrat donor who was appointed just last year by Democrat Colorado Gov. Jared Polis.

CREW’s lawsuit wants Wallace to order Democrat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold — who’s pretending to be neutral — to remove Trump from the state’s ballot next year. The lawsuit argues Trump is guilty of “insurrection” and is ineligible due to the

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