
Ken Paxton Acquitted On All Charges While Austin Swamp Creatures Shriek



The Texas Senate has voted overwhelmingly to acquit Attorney General Ken Paxton on all charges, reinstating him to office and offering a stunning rebuke to the House leadership.

Nevertheless, those behind the half-baked, secretive, and sham impeachment process are digging in and lashing out, blaming others for their own failure to present a cogent or persuasive case.

As rain fell Saturday morning on a dry Texas, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick announced the votes on the 16 articles of impeachment that the senators had spent the last two weeks hearing testimony about. Sixteen times, Patrick announced that a majority of the senators voted to acquit Paxton — far more than the one-third margin necessary.

Once the result was final, Patrick took the opportunity to condemn the House for sending articles of impeachment to the Senate without following proper procedure as earlier impeachments had.

“The speaker and his team rammed through the first impeachment of a statewide-elected official in Texas in over 100 years while paying no attention to the precedent,” Patrick explained.

“Millions of taxpayers dollars have been wasted on this impeachment,” Patrick added, noting he would call for a full audit. “An impeachment should never happen again in the House like it happened this year.”

As reported in The Federalist, the path to victory for the conservative attorney general was clear from day one despite pearl-clutching by the media and dire prognostications by pundits. That fact became more evident as the case for the House Board of Managers quickly fell

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