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Karine Jean-Pierre Challenges Joe And Kamala For White House Gaffe Machine Award



Since their inauguration, President Joe Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris have been neck-and-neck in a competition for who can do the most damage every time they open their mouths to speak. It’s a tight race. After Biden pulled ahead last Wednesday by asking, “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie?” from the stage as he looked for Rep. Jackie Walorski, a Republican who tragically died in a car accident in August, Harris regained her lead by touting the United States’ “alliance with the Republic of North Korea” the very next day.

But there’s another contestant for the Most Likely To Mess Up The Alphabet Song award in the White House employee yearbook. It’s the person whose job, you might think, exists to make the aforementioned stars of the White House blooper reel look better, to explain their mistakes, and to convey their intended messaging. It’s the White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre — but instead of helping her bosses out, KJP seems to be taking lessons from them instead.

Walorski Was on Biden’s Mind So Much, He Forgot She Died

Jean-Pierre took Biden’s embarrassing “where’s Jackie?” flub and made it worse last week. Instead of a simple admission that the president misspoke and an apology to the Walorski family — which Biden finally offered to them at the White House last Friday — Jean-Pierre demanded her listeners believe that it was totally logical for the president to call out to a deceased person.

“She was on his mind, she was of top of mind for the president,” Jean-Pierre insisted.

When pressed as to why, “if the late congresswoman was top of mind for the president … why was he looking for her?” Jean-Pierre doubled down. “I think people can understand … when someone is at top of mind,” she said. “I don’t think it’s all that unusual.”

“I feel like many of us have gone through that particular time where someone is on top of mind and you call them out and you mention” them, she said again, failing to recognize that most of us have never thought about someone so much that we forgot she died. “I don’t find that confusing.”

‘Nordstrom 1’

Earlier this month, Jean-Pierre told reporters that Russia had “shut down the pipeline of Nordstrom 1,” apparently mistaking the name of the Nord Stream pipeline for that of a department store.

Ten Thousand Million New Jobs!

Only days before her “Nordstrom” gaffe, the White House press secretary boasted that the administration had created “ten thousand million jobs.”

“We have created nearly ten thousand million jobs since President Biden took office,” she bragged, “so you’re asking me where is the success, here it is.” Not only is “ten thousand million” an improper way to say 10 billion, but — if that is what she meant — that would be 60 times the total number of people in America’s civilian workforce.

Biden Only Said Covid Is Over Because He Was Looking at Cars

After the president unequivocally declared that “the pandemic is over,” instead of standing by the remark — a sentiment with which millions of Americans agree — Jean-Pierre tried to convince MSNBC listeners that Biden only said what he did because he was looking at cars.

“He was walking through the Detroit car show, the halls of the Detroit car show, and he was looking around,” was her non sequitur explanation for why Biden said what he did.

Biden Working to ‘Elevate’ Pain at Gas Pump

About a month into her new role as press secretary, Jean-Pierre made a Freudian slip when she said her boss was going to “elevate” the pain Americans are enduring from rising gas prices.

“The president has been very clear in making sure that he does everything that he can, uh, to, uh, to elevate — to alleviate — the, you know, the pain that American families are feeling when it comes to gas prices,” she stumbled, as gas prices hovered just below a national average of $5 per gallon.

When She Got GOP and Democrat Positions on Border Security Confused

A few weeks ago, Jean-Pierre apparently thought reporters wouldn’t notice if she completely flip-flopped which political party advocates for stronger border security and which one doesn’t. After a reporter pointed out that “we’re on track to close the fiscal year with 2 million encounters, breaking last year’s record, [and] in the last month alone fentanyl seizures were up 200 percent, and we’re on pace to break that record also this year,” the press secretary pretended Democrats have always been the party of securing the southern border.

“We’re certainly doing a lot more [than former President Donald Trump] to secure the border and could be doing even more if Republicans would stop their obstruction,” she said, failing to explain how Biden’s attempts to end rules such as Title 42 and the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy do anything but make the border crisis worse.

Jean-Pierre hasn’t publicly forgotten the death of someone she released a statement mourning, or accidentally aligned herself with Kim Jong-un — yet. But she’s already doing a great job showing solidarity with her gaffe-prone bosses, and if she keeps it up, she just might beat them at their own game.

Elle Purnell is an assistant editor at The Federalist, and received her B.A. in government from Patrick Henry College with a minor in journalism. Follow her work on Twitter @_etreynolds.

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Leftist ‘Voter Guide’ Group Pushes Its Way Into Universities



A left-wing “voter guide” group is contacting professors, attempting to place biased content in universities. The group claims its content is “nonpartisan.”

“We have made it simple to incorporate our guides and resources into your existing curriculum,” wrote Claire Adams, campus and youth programs director for Guides.Vote, in an email to a professor, obtained by The Federalist. “We hope you’ll check out our guides and use our resources to help your students vote.”

Adams apparently emailed college professors on Sept. 12, pitching content from Guides.Vote for use in the classroom. Youth Service America is the “fiscal host for the Guides.Vote initiative,” YSA Vice President of Partnerships Michael Minks told The Federalist. According to InfluenceWatch, YSA is a left-wing group that mobilizes youth to “influence elections.”

“With Higher Education in mind, our FREE resources have been created to be easily embedded in Canvas, or any other LMS [Learning Management System],” Adams wrote. “We would love to support you, your students, and your campus voter engagement efforts.”

She advertised “printable guides” and an “interactive quiz where students can guess where the presidential candidates really stand.” 

While the group claims its voter resources are “nonpartisan,” the guides indicate a clear bias in favor of left-wing candidates.

Promoting Democrat Candidates

Guides.Vote offers a guide contrasting former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris for November’s election.

One issue is “How to ensure effectiveness and fairness in law enforcement?”

The group said Trump thinks “police are ‘under siege.’ Cut back active federal oversight of

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Election Integrity Advocates Can Inspect South Carolina Voter Rolls, Federal Judge Rules



A federal judge in South Carolina ruled Wednesday that an election integrity advocacy organization has the right to review the state’s voter rolls for ineligible voting.

U.S. District Court Judge Joseph F. Anderson Jr., an appointee of President Ronald Reagan, ruled that the South Carolina State Election Commission (SEC) could not block the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) from reviewing the Palmetto State’s voter rolls, despite it being an out-of-state organization.

Because voter rolls are a matter of public information under federal law, the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), the SEC could not block PILF from reviewing its Statewide Voter Registration List (SVRL), the court’s opinion explained.

“South Carolina’s prohibition on the distribution of the SVRL to only eligible South Carolina voters conflicts with the NVRA’s mandate that all records concerning maintenance and accuracy activities be made available for ‘public inspection,’” Anderson wrote. “Because adherence to South Carolina law would frustrate application of the Federal mandate, the state law must yield.”

The SEC, South Carolina’s executive agency responsible for administering elections, argued that state law would prohibit PILF from obtaining the voter records because the group is not a “qualified elector” in South Carolina. It therefore blocked PILF’s initial request for the data in February.

PILF is not a South Carolina voter, but “describes itself as a ‘public interest law firm dedicated to election integrity’ which ‘protects the right to vote and preserves the Constitutional framework of American elections through litigation, investigation, research, and education,’” the opinion noted.

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RFK Jr. To Appeal Decision Letting Michigan’s Secretary Of State Keep Him On The Ballot



Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said today he will appeal a federal court’s decision allowing Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, to keep him on the ballot despite his withdrawal from the presidential race. 

Judge Denise Hood, of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, denied Kennedy’s attempt Wednesday to keep Benson from adding him to the ballot. According to The Detroit News, Kennedy notified Hood today that he would be appealing the ruling to the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Kennedy announced last month he would drop out of the race, withdrawing his name from the ballot in swing states like Michigan in hopes of helping former President Donald Trump defeat Vice President Kamala Harris. 

But Benson refused to take Kennedy off the ballot, citing concerns that the Natural Law Party — with which Kennedy was running — could not nominate another candidate before November, as The Federalist previously reported. Since then, Kennedy and Benson have been battling in court. Similar obstacles to Kennedy’s withdrawal have cropped up in other states. 

“The harm incurred by Defendant, the Natural Law Party, and Michigan voters outweighs that felt by Plaintiff if he is prohibited from withdrawing,” Hood wrote in the latest ruling. “Plaintiff’s motion is denied.”

Michigan is approaching election deadlines. According to the Detroit Free Press, county clerks must deliver absentee ballots to local clerks by Saturday, and “absentee ballots must be available to the general public by next Thursday.”

The Ruling

Kennedy asked the

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