
Kamala Harris Wants To Force Christian Hospitals To Perform Abortions Against Their Will



On Tuesday, Kamala Harris voiced opposition to providing religious exemptions in any federal legislation legalizing abortion nationwide in the event that such legislation is brought to her desk as president.

The moment came during the vice president’s sit-down interview with NBC News’ Hallie Jackson. The network anchor asked Harris how she would advance baby-killing legislation at the federal level if elected president and Republicans control both chambers of Congress. Jackson also asked if she would be willing to make any “concessions” to get any prospective bill to her desk.

Instead of answering the question, the Democrat presidential nominee pivoted to attacking President Donald Trump for appointing three U.S. Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. She also falsely characterized the murder of unborn children as an issue of “freedom.”

“I know that there are members of the United States Congress who are well aware that their constituents are in favor of the very fundamental principle that a woman should be able to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do,” Harris said while ignoring how abortion denies the unborn children the ability to “make decisions” about their bodies.

Jackson followed up by again asking Harris what “concessions” she’d be willing to make with a Republican-controlled Congress. The NBC host specifically queried if “religious exemptions” were “something [Harris] would consider.”

“I don’t think we should be making concessions when we’re talking about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about

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