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Kamala Harris Is Not A Girl’s Girl



Vice President Kamala Harris’ pop culture-centered, policy avoidant campaign paints a telling picture of the low regard in which the Democratic Party views young women.

Despite being the second-in-command of an administration that enacted an executive order allowing biological males to enter women’s private spaces and supporting a California proposition that categorizes rape of an incapacitated person as “nonviolent,” Harris has centered much of her campaign around being a feminist folk hero. With her Clinton-esque pantsuit girlboss persona and promise to keep the evil orange villain from turning America into the Republic of Gilead, she has won the hearts and minds of many women in the over 35 crowd. With Gen Z and younger millennial women, it is not so easy. For many of us, she is reminiscent of an awkward college English professor trying to relate to students with an outdated playlist of “girl power” anthems and years-old memes in her PowerPoints. 

With young people, Harris had an opportunity to make her campaign one of substance. She could have outlined tangible policy and plans for her presidency regarding how to prevent us from inheriting an economy in which it is growing increasingly difficult to provide for oneself, let alone start a family. (Although, as vice president, she was already in a position to do something on these issues the past four years.) She could have presented foreign and climate policy talking points addressing growing fears of coming of age in a world rife with armed conflict and natural disaster.

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WI Elections Regulator Faces Records Lawsuit On Same-Day Voter Registration Guidance



The Badger State’s troubled election regulator continues to have a transparency problem. 

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) is facing possible court intervention for its refusal to turn over records related to guidance that WEC issued to local election clerks about same-day registration safeguards. 

According to a lawsuit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), the commission issued updated guidance in February 2023, but has stonewalled PILF’s records requests seeking communications about the creation of the guidance for “at least 397 days.” 

“Same-Day Voter Registration is already a vote now verify later system,” J. Christian Adams, president of the election integrity watchdog, said in a statement. “Wisconsin is adding more uncertainty to its election process by hiding election records. Wisconsin needs to be subject to the federal election transparency law. Concealing the election process from the public encourages disinformation and distrust.”

Wisconsin is one of 23 states and the District of Columbia that allows voters to register and cast a ballot on the same day, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Individuals registering to vote on Election Day in Wisconsin must present acceptable photo ID. 

While leftist voting activists say same-day registration bolsters voter turnout, election integrity advocates argue the allowance opens the door to election administration chaos and fraud.

‘Matters of Great Public Importance’

Same-day voter registration does come with mandatory safeguards in the Badger State, including a review or audit to determine the validity of the same-day registrant’s address. Election officials must identify which registrations should

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In Bulletproof, The Victors Write The History Of The Trump Assassination Attempt



Jack Posobiec & Joshua Lisec’s book Bulletproof: The Truth About the Assassination Attempts on Donald Trump bears out a shifting political and cultural paradigm. Stored up potential energy is giving way to kinetic energy in the conservative movement.

From the first announcement of Posobiec & Lisec’s forthcoming book, the Covid-beaten, 2020 election-battered, vaccine-weary, war-wary, not to mention Butler shell-shocked and all-around beleaguered conservative mind grasped for a long-distant sentiment: vindication. For the first time in who knows how long, we will be vindicated.

Bulletproof fuses Posobiec and Lisec’s talents of military intelligence analysis, gripping story-telling, and comprehensive news reporting, resulting in a fascinating, thorough accounting of one of the most consequential political events in modern history.

Many passages read more like a fictional mystery thriller; a look through the dense Notes section will show you how much primary source investigation has been seemingly memory-holed in just these past few months. Bulletproof preserves this evidence to show you what kind of official investigation should be happening – but is not.

Details, Demonic And Divine

Far from a dreadful recounting of gory shooting details, Bulletproof relays the events of July 13 – both demonic and divine – in a short chapter up front simply called “The Chart.” Cinematic and thrilling, this depiction will send shivers down your spine.

The authors house the analysis-oriented portion of the book within the framework of a military intelligence method called “Analysis of Competing Hypotheses.” The tapestry of details curated by the authors provides a sweeping,

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Make French Fries Great Again



Former President Donald Trump’s appearance at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s over the weekend galvanized supporters around his pro-American, proletariat message. It was a huge hit among almost everyone except the liberal media and others who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. 

And while his visit to the iconic golden arches and well-documented eating habits seem to directly contradict the goals of the newly affiliated “Make America Healthy Again” movement, there is a pasture in which these two meet — a pasture filled with cows. Cows that produce a forgotten ingredient well primed to make a comeback: beef tallow. 

Many health advocates used Trump’s momentary “employment” to push for a return to beef tallow, as opposed to seed oil, in the fryers at McDonald’s. RFK Jr. himself addressed the issue in a post on X. Rather than make unrealistic demands of Americans to ditch junk food altogether, he simply wants people to enjoy their occasional indulgences without fear of being poisoned, saying, “People who enjoy a burger with fries on a night out aren’t to blame, and Americans should have every right to eat out at a restaurant without being unknowingly poisoned by heavily subsidized seed oils. It’s time to Make Frying Oil Tallow Again.”

The idea went viral with many health advocates chiming in about making French fries great again and riffing off the title of Trump’s popular book with “The Art of the French Fry.” 

Where’s the Beef? 

So what’s the beef with beef tallow? 

Simply put, beef tallow is rendered beef

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