
Just Like The Transgender Industry, PornHub Relies On Targeting Kids



The left’s crusade to sexualize children begins with exposing them to so-called adult material. Last week’s move by PornHub, the most popular pornography website, to retaliate after Utah’s refusal to allow such content to be viewed by minors is only the latest evidence. 

Utah joined multiple other states pursuing pro-children measures when Utah Gov. Spencer Cox signed a law in March to protect children from pornography and its dangerous, brain chemistry-altering effects. The new law requires users to verify their age with an identification card each time they access websites with content “harmful to minors” — a sensible restriction on a website such as PornHub that provides a platform for products of child sexual abuse, sex trafficking, rape, and other nonconsensual behavior.

Monday, just two days before the law that passed unanimously was set to go into effect, PornHub and other sites controlled by its parent company, MindGeek, shut down access to their websites for computers containing IP addresses within Utah. 

Pornography is a $100 billion industry. Why would PornHub risk its customer base in Utah if it could still maintain its adult audience there? With the age verification law in effect, the website could still have continued to rake in profits from the supposed intended audience. PornHub’s willingness to boycott the state entirely shows who the target demographic is: children.

Anyone with a Utah IP address who tried going to PornHub’s website was met with a code indicating the website was forbidden. PornHub’s statement regarding the motivation for such

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