
Judge Throws Out Leftist Nevada AG’s Phony ‘Fake Electors’ Case Against Trump Supporters



Lawfare leftists lost another round in their bogus “fake electors” scheme to imprison Trump supporters, this time in Nevada where the state’s Democrat attorney general is pushing an 11th-hour political prosecution. 

Clark County District Judge Mary Kay Holthus on Friday shut down a trial slated for early next year in the case of six grassroots conservatives charged with felony forgery counts for serving as contingent electors for then-President Donald Trump in the disputed 2020 election. The judge found prosecutors for far-left Attorney General Aaron Ford erred in choosing Democrat bastion Clark County, home to Las Vegas, as the venue for the trial. As the Nevada Independent reported, the judge agreed with the defendants’ attorneys, who argued the a northern venue should have been selected, particularly within Carson City — where the alternate elector signing ceremony actually took place in the weeks after the presidential election in which Democrat Joe Biden narrowly claimed victory in the swing Silver State. 

“You have literally, in my opinion, a crime that has occurred in another jurisdiction,” Holthus reportedly said. “It’s so appropriately up north and so appropriately not here.” (Holthus is the same judge who was attacked in January by a defendant during sentencing.)

Ford’s political prosecution against Jim DeGraffenreid, Durward James Hindle III, Jesse Law, Shawn Meehan, Michael McDonald, and Eileen Rice can no longer be taken up in a northern jurisdiction because the three-year statute of limitations expired in December, as the Nevada Independent notes. 

But Ford isn’t giving up. He reportedly

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