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Josh Hawley Confronts Public Lands Chief For Lying About Involvement In Ecoterrorism



President Joe Biden’s director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was forced to answer questions about her role in a 1989 tree-spiking case this week before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

On Thursday, Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., accused BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning of lying to Congress about her role with a radical environmental group that “spiked” trees in the Clearwater National Forest near the Montana-Idaho border. Tree spiking consists of inserting metal rods into trees and is a form of ecoterrorism used by far-left activists in the 1980s and 1990s. The rods then become deadly projectiles when the trees are processed for logging. While they are intended to intimidate workers in the timber industry, metal mines planted in trees have also injured firefighters hastily working to extinguish massive blazes.

In her written testimony, submitted to the committee as part of her confirmation proceedings three years ago, Stone-Manning said she had “never been arrested or charged and to my knowledge I have never been the target of such an investigation.” In 1989, however, Stone-Manning was the subject of an investigation into an Idaho tree-spiking ring that ultimately culminated in Stone-Manning receiving an immunity deal with prosecutors in 1993. Hawley asked the BLM director whether she stood by her written statement given her prior experience being investigated as an ecoterrorist.

“I do stand by that testimony,” she said, “and was proud to be confirmed to do this job.” The BLM chief went on to frame herself as the hero

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Heartbreaking Stories Of Detransitioners Expose The Damaging Transgender Cult



The Detransition Diaries tackles one of the thorniest and most scandalous medical movements of the 21st century — the pervasive, perverse spread of genitalia mutilation and hormone experimentation in America, protected under the umbrella of “transitioning.” Nurses and bioethics advocates Jennifer Lahl and Kallie Fell undertake a comprehensive and historical study of the movement, highlighting the personal accounts of seven people who were persuaded in, and fought their way out. (The book is also based in part on a documentary by the same name.)

Lahl and Fell describe the cult-like ideology and highly stereotyped “gender” expectations within the movement, the healthy bodies induced into a diseased state with wrong-sex hormones and unnecessary surgeries, the “abysmal” quality of studies affirming the health and safety of “transition treatment,” and the money to be made. They note the connection between mental health and comorbidities with people choosing to “transition,” and the constant, coercive affirmation from doctors and therapists, especially those specializing in wrongly termed “gender care.”

The five women and two men who share firsthand the deception, coercion, and aggressive retaliation targeting detractors within the movement are just a sampling of those who have suffered under the guise of transgender interventions.

Helena’s self-harming, eating disorder, and depression as a young teen led her to online groups encouraging transitioning as the “solution” to almost all mental health struggles. Her school guidance counselor and psychologist encouraged a transgender transition rather than addressing mental health concerns, and her testosterone dose (handed out with minimal instructions at

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How An Octogenarian President Could Change Control Of Congress



Joe Biden’s performance in the recent presidential debate allowed Democrats to say the quiet part out loud and begin to express public doubts about renominating the current president amid clear signs of his physical and mental decline. But those concerns should range far beyond the (understandable) worries about Vice President Kamala Harris ascending to the presidency. 

With margins in Congress razor-thin over the past several years, a vacancy in the presidency could alter the balance of power in the legislative branch as well. Few people appear to have spent time going beyond the idea of replacing a president midterm to analyze the implications of confirming a replacement vice president. 

Loss of Party Control 

Consider the situation in January 2021 at the time of Biden’s inauguration. In addition to capturing the presidency, Democrats retained control of the House of Representatives by a narrow 222-seat majority. Because Senate control was a 50-50 tie following the two Georgia runoff elections that month, Democrats regained the majority when Harris took the oath of office as vice president. 

At the time of his 2021 inauguration, Biden became the oldest president in American history. If something had happened to his health during the 117th Congress, the consequences would have ranged far beyond putting Harris in the Oval Office. 

Section 1 of the 25th Amendment clearly states that upon the death of the president, “the Vice President shall become President,” meaning Harris would have become chief executive immediately. 

But elevating Harris to the presidency would have made

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Russia Hoaxer Marc Elias’ Firm Sues To Let Foreign Billionaires Buy Ohio Elections



A prominent Democrat law firm, founded by an architect of the Trump-Russia hoax, is suing to let foreign billionaires meddle in Ohio elections.

Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWine signed House Bill 1 on June 2, banning foreign nationals from spending money on state ballot measures. Elias Law Group, founded by Russia hoaxer Marc Elias, challenged the bill in court on June 27, according to The Associated Press

Elias, while working for a law firm whose client was Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, paid Fusion GPS for the infamous Steele dossier that accused former President Donald Trump of ties to Russia. He then peddled the dossier to bureaucrats and legacy media.

Elias founded the Elias Law Group in 2021 to do the bidding of Democrat politicians, according to Influence Watch. The group, along with the law firm Cooper Elliott, sued in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, claiming that the state’s election integrity measure would harm public discourse.

“All noncitizens are now threatened with investigation, criminal prosecution, and mandatory fines if they even indicate they intend to engage in any election-related spending or contributions — including to support or oppose ballot questions in virtually any capacity,” the lawsuit reads, according to the AP.

The Ohio law prohibits foreign nationals including green card holders, foreign political parties, foreign governments, and foreign businesses from contributing funding for “ballot issues or candidates.” 

So perhaps Elias’ real issue with Ohio’s ban on foreign campaign funding is that it keeps Democrats from doing what

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