
Joe Biden Wasn’t Involved In Hunter’s Business And It’s Normal That He Was



Somebody had better tell Joe Biden: The talking points about his involvement in his son Hunter’s international wheel-and-deal business have changed. Amtrak Joe can quit denying that he ever spoke to his son “or anyone else” about the political-access-for-foreign-cash racket Hunter was running — The New York Times has decreed that Joe’s elbow-rubbing with Hunter’s associates has “long been known.” No bombshells or developments here, I guess. Time to talk about Trump!

“It has long been known that the elder Mr. Biden at times interacted with his son’s business partners,” the Times printed matter-of-factly in the third-from-last paragraph of a Monday night article, after Hunter’s former close associate Devon Archer told lawmakers he’d witnessed Joe join Hunter’s business meetings via speakerphone at least 20 times.

Joe Biden’s interaction with foreign oligarchs via Hunter has long been known to those of us who get our news from more honest sources than the Times, but it’s a fact legacy media outlets have long been working to downplay, along with other evidence of Joe Biden’s participation in Hunter’s bribery scandals.

For example, when evidence that Joe Biden had met Hunter’s associate Vadym Pozharskyi of corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma emerged from an abandoned laptop of Hunter’s in 2020, the Times framed it as part of “unsubstantiated” allegations from Republican oppo research hacks, and buoyed the Biden camp’s claims that “this purported meeting never happened.” After former Hunter business partner Tony Bobulinski claimed to have met with Joe Biden and that Joe

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