
Joe Biden, The Jock



It’s taken for granted that the corporate media are a bunch of corrupt and dishonest swine, but every now and then, it’s helpful to check in on just how depraved they can be. The coverage of Joe Biden’s brush with a broken hip is exactly one of those times.

The president on Thursday crashed to the stage floor after giving a commencement speech to Air Force Academy graduates in Colorado Springs. By my count, it’s the one-billionth time this rapidly declining man has collapsed while simply attempting to move through time and space, a spectacle that necessarily stuns the nation for all of the obvious reasons. If it were a 50- or even 60-year-old man, it would be trivial and maybe funny. But this is an 80-year-old president who is pretending to be an athlete and who is, sadly, running for reelection.

That’s pretty alarming. But because the media got Biden elected and are therefore invested in keeping up the illusion that he’s not a barely breathing prune of a person, the reality needed some finessing.

The New York Times dutifully noted in an article that the collapse came after an “energetic” speech — he’s youthful, people! — and that it was merely one of those “embarrassing moments” that are “not uncommon for presidents.”

Biden needed the help of two men to get back on his feet. But, folks! He’s fit as a fiddle!

This is the same paper that turned a video of then-President Trump walking down a stage

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