
Joe Biden Jokes About ‘Cheerfully Walking Away’ From Press Accountability



At the national joke that some people in Washington still call the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, someone finally pointed out that President Joe Biden never takes genuine questions from actual reporters and hides from any kind of journalistic accountability. Unfortunately, the person pointing it out was Biden himself, and he showed zero remorse for his abysmal record of taking “zero questions” from reporters. Instead, he cracked a joke about it. Worse, the supposed journalists in attendance gleefully giggled along.

“In a lot of ways, this dinner sums up my first two years in office,” the president quipped Saturday night. “I’ll talk for 10 minutes, take zero questions, and cheerfully walk away.”

BIDEN: “In a lot of ways, this dinner sums up my first two years in office — I’ll talk for ten minutes, take zero questions, and cheerfully walk away.” pic.twitter.com/KCwT1Q0d7r

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 30, 2023

The joke’s on the American people, and the corporate media are in on it. If Biden’s predecessor had cracked the same line, it would have launched a thousand think pieces proclaiming Trump’s hatred for press freedoms. But since the propagandists who fill seats at the Correspondents’ Dinner and in the White House briefing room make their living by running cover for Democrats like Biden, they couldn’t see the obvious irony: a room full of people tasked with asking tough questions of the president, laughing as he boasts about not answering their questions at all.

The quip comes on the heels of

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