
Japanese Anime Series ‘Demon Slayer’ Celebrates Masculinity Like Daniel Penny’s




As the war on men rages on, 24-year-old Marine veteran Daniel Penny has been charged by New York City prosecutors with second-degree manslaughter. Earlier this month, Penny put his life on the line to protect New York subway riders from Jordan Neely, a disturbed homeless man who was reportedly shouting “I’ll hurt anyone on this train.” 

Penny is a hero, and the charges against him send a clear message to every American man and boy: Heroes go to jail. The regime is making an example out of Penny because he inadvertently killed a member of a protected class, while also exhibiting masculine virtue. 

Penny isn’t the only man they’ve made an example of, and he certainly won’t be the last. The expected charges undoubtedly have a chilling effect on American men, especially white men. But public punishment is not the left’s only or most effective tool. Demonizing masculinity occurs in the form of cultural conditioning and it is primarily targeted at boys, not men like Penny. 

Modern schools systematically neuter boys. So does the media they consume. Take the male-targeted TV show “Transformers: EarthSpark,” in which two of the characters reveal they use “they” pronouns and identify as non-binary. 

Gender confusion is deployed against both boys and girls alike, but boys have the added constant reminder that their masculine instincts are “toxic.” From youth, they are reprogrammed into suppressing their instincts, and a shocking number of male boys are pumped with prescription drugs if they can’t sit still for eight hours a day. 


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