
It’s Up To Moms To Crush Target



I’m not happy about or proud of this fact, but it’s simply a law of nature that once females get pregnant or rear children, they will be drawn to those giant red cement balls like a moth to a flame. So asking a mom to boycott Target is like asking a squirrel to boycott all pecan trees or asking a heroin addict to boycott all street corners — a seemingly insurmountable task that goes against our nature.

Where else can you, in one single trip to the store, pick up that Joanna Gaines wallpaper for your husband to install this weekend, that one scented body wash that only Target carries, a few things to make dinner, and a new cheap pair of shoes for your 4-year-old to wear to soccer practice tonight because they somehow outgrew theirs overnight? Quite literally, nowhere except Target.

But if we’ve learned anything over the last three years, throughout the course of Covid lockdowns and school board curriculum battles, if there is one demographic willing to take on the most seemingly insurmountable institutions who prey on children, it’s moms.

Target has been in the corporate LGBT Pride game for years, so their slide further down the post-Obergerfell slippery slope this year is not at all surprising. But this year, they finally pushed conservatives who looked past their massive Pride Month displays for years to the edge when they produced merchandise like children’s “tuck-friendly” bathing suits and Pride-themed clothing for children and even infants. They

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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