
It’s Time To Ditch LGBT Month For A Holiday We Can All Take Pride In



Black History Month. Women’s History Month. Hispanic Heritage Month. Native American Heritage Month. Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Disability Pride Month. Arab American Heritage Month. Pride Month.

Seemingly every day of the year is taken up by these aggressive celebrations of left-wing ideology masquerading as banal and necessary acknowledgments of cultural diversity. Altering how we think about time and what we associate with certain periods of the year has been a leftist goal since the advent of its modern instantiation in the French Revolution.

The Jacobin push to restart the French calendar with Year Zero was intended to create a new France, free of the vestiges of the past and able to be warped to fit the whims of the new ruling class. If you can control how we perceive time itself, you can manipulate society and culture in any way you see fit — which is exactly why the left seeks to gain this control for itself.

So-called Pride Month, which begins this week, is perhaps the most egregious and in-your-face example of this ideological project of reshaping the American calendar. Once June 1 rolls around, the rainbow icons magically appear across the land, gracing the storefronts of every major retailer and corporate social media account — except, naturally, in the Arab world.

Media companies promote content, from reality shows to nature documentaries, that center so-called “queer” narratives, pushing it to everyone including adults watching sports and kids watching cartoons. State capitals, American embassies, and federal buildings

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