
It’s Time For Peggy Noonan To Retire — Along With The Entire Elite Media Establishment



There was a time, years ago, when I looked forward to reading Peggy Noonan. Her weekly Wall Street Journal column seemed to cut through the noise of national politics and the churn of the news cycle to articulate some important nugget of wisdom about the state of our shared civic life. Whether I agreed with her or not, I always wanted to know what she thought, and I always took the time to read her.

Those days are, of course, long gone. Like nearly every elite media pundit, the Trump era utterly confounded Noonan. She simply couldn’t understand Trump’s appeal, and her analysis of him was often reduced to ridiculous anecdotes — a conversation she’d had with her uncle, a chat with the Dominican guy who works at her local deli, a phone call with a retired three-star general. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as the time she predicted a 2012 Mitt Romney win based on seeing a lawn sign in Florida, but too often it was in that general vein. 

Over the weekend, Noonan torched her last shred of credibility, penning a piece that encapsulates how the entire establishment media class came to believe its own unhinged propaganda about Trump and Russia, and in the process became totally disconnected from reality.

In the wake of Special Counsel John Durham’s damning 306-page report on the corrupt origins of the FBI’s Trump-Russia collusion hoax, Noonan says she still doesn’t “know what to think of Trump/Russia” and is “not satisfied we’ll ever fully understand

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