
It’s Past Time Mike Johnson Grows A Spine And Stops Biden’s Border Invasion



It’s another day that ends in “-y,” which means House Speaker Mike Johnson is preparing to surrender on yet another federal spending fight that allows President Biden’s border invasion to continue unabated.

On Tuesday, congressional leaders announced they struck a deal on a roughly $1 trillion package to fund the remainder of the federal government for the rest of the 2024 fiscal year. It includes funding for agencies such as the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security. The first package — which contained zero conservative priorities and increased spending — was passed by Congress and signed into law by Biden earlier this month.

Negotiated behind closed doors with the White House and Senate leadership, Johnson said in a Tuesday statement that “House and Senate committees have begun drafting bill text to be prepared for release and consideration by the full House and Senate as soon as possible.” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also confirmed this to be the case.

Biden and congressional leaders’ behind-the-scenes scheming to pass the measure by Friday to avoid a partial government shutdown has rightly evoked ire from conservative representatives and senators. On Wednesday morning, Utah Sen. Mike Lee said, “The Firm™️ has yet to show anyone” the proposed package and described attempts to ram the bill through without proper input or debate as “a sham legislative process.”

Kentucky GOP Rep. Thomas Massie echoed similar sentiments on Tuesday, writing on X: “We are back in Ryan-Boehner swamp mode where the omnibus is written

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