
It’s Past Time For Republicans To Impeach Biden And All His Top Officials



We now have more evidence that Joe Biden is a criminal than Democrats faked in order to spy on and then impeach Donald Trump twice, hamstringing his entire four years in office. Yet Trump has become the first president in U.S. history to be raided by the FBI and now indicted — over documents the Department of Justice will not identify, even to courts.

The indictment is a scam, on every level. It is pure treachery designed to make a mockery of the American justice system to persecute Democrats’ top political enemy. Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, and Barack Obama all had “documents disputes,” and none of them was indicted despite several of their offenses being clearly far worse than what’s on the table with Trump.

The indictment is a farce. And it’s a dangerous one, as a very public and high-level weaponization of America’s legal system for political purposes. This is banana republic behavior, folks, and it’s destroying what’s left of the American constitutional order that preserves for all of us a way of life unparalleled in human history.

If Republicans actually care about the rule of law, their oaths to the Constitution, the American people, and preserving the best country in the world, they will treat this as a five-alarm constitutional crisis and respond accordingly. That means immediately moving to impeach Biden and his entire cabinet, among other strong political choices designed to make unhinged Democrats stop turning this great country into an authoritarian dumpster

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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