
It’s Past Time For American Jews To Abandon The Democrat Party



This past week I listened to a podcast in which Bari Weiss, the former New York Times reporter, was interviewing Sheryl Sandberg, who has served as COO for Meta (Facebook), been a C-suite exec for Google, and was Lawrence Summers’ chief of staff in the Clinton administration. Both women are of Jewish heritage.

Weiss has distinguished herself for taking on woke narratives and criticizing those applying a double standard to Israel for actions in Gaza, as well as those who deny or rationalize the atrocities of Oct. 7. Sandberg produced a documentary, “Screams Before Silence,” that is a powerful and moving account, which includes interviews with survivors and first responders, of Oct. 7 and its aftermath. It can be found on YouTube, and I highly recommend it.

Both women are supportive of Israel in the present conflict; they are disappointed and appalled at the antisemitism that has surfaced in the United States, the world, and various NGOs; they disapprove of Israel and Israelis being held to a standard of evidence that wouldn’t apply to other nations and people. Of note, both expressed a sense of betrayal and abandonment by leftists who were formerly allies.

Late in the interview, Weiss brought up politics and asked Sandberg, “Will you be donating to Biden this cycle and supporting Biden?”

Sandberg responded, “I did donate, and I do support.”

You could hear the discomfort in her voice; it was as if she wished she’d not been asked the question and was slightly

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