
It’s Not Just Haitians In Springfield. Mass Immigration Is Destroying The American Nation



After the presidential debate last Tuesday night, J.D. Vance told CNN’s Kaitlin Collins the only reason the media is talking about places like Springfield, Ohio, is because the right turned the cats and geese thing into a meme. He reiterated the point in a hostile interview with Dana Bash on CNN over the weekend, saying these concerns about Haitian immigrants have been brought to him directly by his constituents — concerns the media totally ignored until he and Trump started talking about them.

Vance is right. One of the purposes of a meme is to reveal a deep truth, not to prove a specific claim. In this case, the deep truth is that mass immigration destabilizes and destroys communities, in part by bringing in people who haven’t assimilated to the host country and don’t shares its mores and way of life, which is exactly what’s happening in Springfield and towns like it across America under the Biden-Harris administration. Haitians allegedly slaughtering and eating cats and geese is just a particularly dramatic instance of the phenomenon.

Sure, there’s some evidence that Haitian immigrants in Springfield are stealing and slaughtering animals, mostly from local people speaking out about it on social media. We at The Federalist last week published a police report about a group of Haitians allegedly removing geese from a local park. A second police report has now surfaced, of a woman claiming her cat was stolen and chopped up by her Haitians in her neighborhood. This week, video footage surfaced of a local man conveying

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