
Italy Offered Free Care To Disabled Baby Indi, But Britain’s Socialized NHS Is Refusing To Let Her Live



Image CreditFDRLST / Canva

Friday at 12:00 p.m. GMT, a court will decide whether Indi Gregory, an 8-month-old, terminally ill child, is to live or die, according to Jacopo Coghe, the spokesman for the Italian pro-life organization Pro Vita Famiglia.

The hearing is in response to an appeal made by Indi’s parents, Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth, who since October have been fighting English High Court Judge Sir Robert Roger Peel’s decision to allow medical staff to kill their daughter by taking her off life support.

Following the judge’s October ruling, the Italian government held an emergency meeting Monday, during which it decided to grant Indi Italian citizenship and cover the cost of her medical treatment at the Vatican’s Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital. 

Despite Italy’s offer, however, Peel ruled Wednesday that it was in the baby’s “best interest” to remove Indi from life support. The judge also explicitly stated that the discontinuation of life support must be done in the hospital, not the child’s home.

“For the hospital and the U.K. Courts to simply ignore the offer from the Italian government is disgraceful,” said Dean Gregory, the child’s father, who appealed Peel’s decision yesterday. “I appeal to the British government to allow Indi to come to Italy before it is too late,” he continued desperately. “As a father, I have never asked or begged for anything in my life, but I am now begging the British government to please

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