
Issue 1 Permanently Writes Planned Parenthood’s Business Model Into Ohio’s Constitution



Voters across Ohio are gearing up to vote in one of the most consequential elections in their state’s history. On the ballot Nov. 7 is Issue 1, a measure crafted and funded by outside activists to amend the Ohio Constitution to include an effectively unlimited “right” to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.

If passed, Issue 1 won’t just give the abortion industry a free pass to end unborn lives and trample on parents’ rights, as local pro-life and parental rights groups have noted. The constitutional amendment will fundamentally and permanently change the way the state operates forever.

“This is not a vote against Ohio’s current laws on abortion,” Megan M. Wold, former deputy solicitor general in the Ohio attorney general’s office, said on a press call on Tuesday. “Some voters may not like some aspects of those laws. But this is a vote for a new legal regime that would remove from voters the ability to enact common-sense abortion laws in the future, including the very same kinds of abortion laws that exist in all of Western Europe.”

The Ohio Capital Journal published several articles over the last few weeks claiming voters who check “yes” on the amendment are simply reaffirming the state’s status quo 22-week abortion law by rejecting a “controversial” six-week ban “with no exceptions for rape or incest” from taking effect. But that characterization of Issue 1 couldn’t be further from the truth.

“Issue 1 is more than just stating a right to

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