
Israel’s National Security Matters Infinitely More Than Its ‘Reputation’ With Radical Democrats



As Israel has pursued its righteous war of defense against Hamas aggression, the Biden administration and its allies in the media have become increasingly uncomfortable with its success. After initially supporting Israel in the wake of the Oct. 7 atrocities, they have by and large turned on it entirely.

For the corporate media, this was almost immediate; once Israel shifted — in their minds — from victim to victimizer, the game was up. This occurred before the bodies of the innocents massacred by Hamas were even cold. But the Biden administration, to its credit, stood with Israel for significantly longer. It sent a carrier strike group to the region, provided diplomatic cover at the United Nations, and advocated for a forceful Israeli response to Hamas. Unfortunately, however, the turn has come for the White House as well.

Largely driven by electoral concern over its hardcore leftist base — amplified by like-minded media and Democrat staffers — the administration has significantly pulled back support in the past few months. It has rhetorically attacked the Israeli military for what it claims are “excessive” civilian casualties, despite the fact that Hamas casualty counts are likely invented out of whole cloth and Israel’s tactical urban warfighting has been by and large exemplary. It has worked hand-in-glove with the Qataris — Iranian partners and Hamas backers — to push for a ceasefire deal that would only benefit the Palestinian terrorists who seek time to rearm and regroup.

It has also lambasted Israel for

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