
Is Christian Nonprofit Voter Outreach The Answer To Beating Democrats’ Election Machine?



There used to be a day in America when elections were simple. Voters would show up to the polls on Election Day, cast their ballot, and know which candidate won that night before going to bed.

That is no longer the case following the 2020 election cycle.

The expansion of early and mass mail-in voting has turned Election Day into election season. In several states, voters are forced to wait days — and in some cases, weeks — before learning the outcome of an election. This has led many Americans to lack confidence in the electoral process.

Even more startling, however, has been the complete shift in how elections are won. Candidates and their policy platforms are no longer the main factors in predicting the outcome of any given race. Rather, it’s how many ballots from eligible electors can be “chased” and submitted at the behest of partisan actors ahead of Election Day.

In the case of Democrats, a big facet of their strategy involves the participation of left-wing nonprofit organizations, which aim to register so-called “underrepresented groups.” This includes demographics likely to vote for Democrats, such as racial minorities, college-educated women, and young people. Taking this approach allows these groups to skirt federal law, which prohibits 501(c)(3)s from engaging in “partisan” voter registration.

Investigative reports published by the Capital Research Center and Restoration of America have unearthed how embracing nonprofit voter registration has netted Democrats potentially millions of votes across battleground states in recent elections. Given

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